FORVAC components

FORVAC aims to increase economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and woodlands in the programme area through implementation of the following four components:
Establishment and mobilization of Village Land Forest Reserves (VLFR) and support to value chain development
Establishment and mobilization of Village Land Forest Reserves (VLFR) is a starting point for value chains development. Land use planning is a second step towards establishment of VLFRs. This guarantee ownership of forest land area and it sets up basis for CBFM and sustainable management of village forests

Existing VLFRs are at different stages of development, some have already been declared with approved management plans and bylaws; others have completed only part of required steps of establishment, and they, for instance, can be lacking land use plans and VLFRs Management Plans. FORVAC works to strengthen their status.

Communities and the private sector involvement

In addition to the establishment and mobilization of Village Land Forest Reserves, local communities need assistance for development of forest value chains deriving from the forests that fall under the Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) regime. FORVAC support is addressed to producer groups within target villages as well as responsible private sector involvement in any parts of these value chains.

The role of private sector (villagers included) is prominent in the Programme. In addition to communities, private sector organisations, particularly entrepreneurs engaged in forest product harvesting, processing, transport and marketing have a key role in the implementation of the programme. Private companies and NGOs are engaged in the Programme implementation under Service Provision agreements or as actors in the value chain. Private companies and local traders, e.g. sawmills, pit sawing teams, charcoal traders, honey processing and marketing companies also are among programme beneficiaries through their involvement and role in developing the wood and non-wood based value chains.

Capacity building – enhance stakeholder capacity to implement and promote forestry value chain development
All target villages require capacity development, including further support to manage the VLFRs and value chain development within these communities, also involving producers groups. Villagers and members of Village Natural Resource Committees and Village Councils are expected to be more engaged in the value chain development. This entails developing their capacities. For instance, in terms of timber sales and marketing, VNRCs require training in calling for tenders and negotiating contracts, harvesting operations and their supervisions as well as on marketing of timber products together with improved access to price and other market information.

Institutional capacity building at district, regional and central levels within the country is needed to support stakeholders to plan, support, manage and monitor CBFM and forest value chain development. All relevant stakeholders engaged in the programme are capacitated to strengthen their understanding and capacities regarding the concept of the value chain and its implications for sustainable forest management, inclusive socio-economic and environmental aspects and how communities and other value chain actors can benefit in terms of income and employment. Capacity development also includes supporting operational forest extension and communication services and support to incorporation of training in forest products value chains/market systems and business development skills in curricula of relevant educational institutes.

Functional extension, communication, monitoring systems
Capacity development also includes supporting operational forest extension and communication services, and supporting establishment of improved monitoring systems. FORVAC works to enhance information management and public awareness on forest policy implementation. The developed communication and extension plan covers dissemination of relevant information on forest policy measures regarding CBFM and forest value chains and results of the programme. Policy discussion takes place also at a national level, e.g. National Forestry Conferences.

In the information dissemination, special attention is given firstly, mainstreaming gender issues in the information dissemination and secondly, to ensuring access to information for diverse groups, for instance for illiterate persons.

FORVAC has developed a specific Management Information Systems (MIS) to secure efficient management of the programme and support information collection and sharing within stakeholders. The MIS will be linked with the information management of the Forestry and Beekeeping Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism.

Supportive legal and policy frameworks to forest value chain and sustainable forest management
FORVAC also contributes to improvements in policy and regulatory framework for forest value chain development aiming at harmonization of legal and policy frameworks to guide and improve sustainable forest management and trade procedures. The programme supports Forestry and Beekeeping Division in development, update and dissemination of methodologies and necessary technical guidelines to support CBFM. Moreover, FORVAC ensures that formulation and revisions of bylaws at the field level conform to the national polices and legislation.

A continuous development of forest law enforcement is included under the duties of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) and Tanzania Forest Service Agency (TFS). The Government of Tanzania also works to set up and implement the national forest policy and other relevant policies, e.g. concerning trade. Regarding this, FORVAC supports development of forest law enforcement and policies referring to roles of local communities and involvement of the private sector in Tanzanian forestry, forest industry and trade in Tanzania and out of the country.