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Forest-Based Value Chains
Forestry and Value Chains Development programme (FORVAC) increases economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and woodlands whilst tackling deforestation. By working closely with local enterprises and communities, FORVAC will develop forest-based value chains thereby inducing growth in local economies, while at the same time fostering local ownership of the forests. It also supports government institutions in developing their legal and policy framework to improve forest governance and promote sustainable forest resources management. The 330,000 beneficiaries range from individuals, communities, and traders to private companies in the vast regions Tanga, Lindi and Ruvuma and beyond.
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Film 5 - FORVAC impacts and lessons. This film revisits the premise from the first film, does the community managed forest that pay, stay? What is the impact of supporting a ‘use it or lose it’ approach on the natural forests and the communities? How have the communities, including the vulnerable benefitted from sustainable forest use and value addition? Can there be a 'win win' of increasing income from community managed natural forests whilst reducing deforestation!?![]()
Embassy of Finland in Dar es Salaam - Suomen suurlähetystö Dar es Salaam
Film 4 - Supporting Non Timber Forest products and gender mainstreaming.
This film highlights FORVAC support to Non Timber Forest Products, helping communities capture more benefits from value chains, and the support to the cross cutting role of gender mainstreaming and the impact this has in empowerment.![]()
Embassy of Finland in Dar es Salaam - Suomen suurlähetystö Dar es Salaam
Film 3 - Supporting sustainable timber value chains in community based forestry. This film highlights the support of FORVAC that supports communities to generate significant income from sustainable timber harvested from the Community Managed Forests by helping them capture more benefits from timber product value chains. It also highlights some remaining challenges in the policy environment regarding community forest sustainable timber enterprises that still need to be addressed.![]()
Embassy of Finland in Dar es Salaam - Suomen suurlähetystö Dar es Salaam
Film 2 - Establishing Community Based Sustainable Forest Management. This film explains how Community Based Forest Management is set up in the communities and very importantly how protection and measures to ensure sustainable harvesting are introduced and ensured. ![]()
Embassy of Finland in Dar es Salaam - Suomen suurlähetystö Dar es Salaam
The Forest and Value Chains Development Programme (FORVAC July 2018 to July 2024) strengthening Community Based Forest Management in Tanzania through supporting sustainable forest product enterprise development and value addition. ![]()
Want to know what happens when natural forests are devolved to community management in Tanzania and then communities are supported to use them sustainably including with mobile sawmills!? ![]()
FORVAC has developed a series of 5 films to tell the story for the Forest and Value Chains Development Programme (FORVAC) – which has supported a ‘use it or lose it’ approach to Community Based Forest Management. It is an important story to tell, of national and international significance, so please help share this story by sharing these films. ![]()
Film 1 - What is Community Based Forest Management and what is the role of FORVAC? This film introduces what Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) is and what the role and objectives of FORVAC are in supporting it, including the premise that ‘the forest that pays, is the forest that stays’.![]()
Embassy of Finland in Dar es Salaam - Suomen suurlähetystö Dar es Salaam