Scientific Conference

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Scientific Conference

FORVAC is organizing in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism of Tanzania (MNRT) and Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) the International Scientific Conference. The Conference will provide a platform for sharing knowledge and promote discussions on how to develop forest and honeybee products value chains for transforming the nation into a middle-income country.

In many countries, forest and honeybee resources are the main sources of goods and services to the surrounding communities. The benefits provided by forest ecosystems include goods such as timber, food, fuel and bio products; and ecological functions such as carbon storage, nutrient cycling, water and air purification, and maintenance of wildlife habitat. Despite the potential of forest and beekeeping sectors, there are number of constraints that still hinder the growth of the sector.

In order to contribute to solving challenges in the forest and beekeeping sectors, the International Scientific Conference on Forest and Honeybee Products Value Chains for Development of Sustainable Livelihoods and Industrial Economy is organized. The themes of this conference are: forest products value chains, honeybee products value chains and policies and legislations. They address the entire value chain nodes in the forest sector in the country.

If you are interested in the conference, the attached video and files will offer you more details. Welcome to listen timely subject about forest and honeybee products value chains on 23-25 February 2021 in Dar es Salaam.