Mfadhili na mashirika yanayoongoza Programu

Kampuni ya Utekelezaji wa Programu

Finnish Consulting Group (FCG) is an international, multidisciplinary consultancy company providing Technical Assistance to FORVAC.Read more

Other Partners

Namtumbo District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Kilindi District council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Ruangwa District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Handeni District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more

Mpwapwa District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Liwale District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Nyasa District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Nachingwea District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more

Songea District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Mbinga District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Kiteto District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more
Tunduru District Council plays a major role in supporting the communities towards sustainable use of their resources.Read more

Chuo Kikuu cha Kilimo cha Sokoine ndio taasisi pekee nchini Tanzania inayofundisha masomo ya misitu kwa ngazi ya chuo kikuu. FORVAC inashirikiana na SUA kuanzisha mpango wa Shahada ya pili katika Forest Resources Economics and Business Development ili kukuza Minyororo ya thamani ya misitu nchini. Soma zaidi
Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) is the agency responsible for national forest and bee reserves. FORVAC and TFS will collaborate with development of the forest policy and laws.Read more
Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Misitu Tanzania (TAFORI) ni taasisi ya kitaifa iliyo na jukumu la kufanya, kuratibu na kukuza utafiti wa misitu. Soma zaidi
Tume ya Taifa ya Mipango ya Matumizi ya Ardhi (NLUPC), Upangaji wa matumizi ya Ardhi kwa pamoja na jamii ni hatua muhimu ya kutambua maeneo ya hifadhi ya misitu ya ardhi ya vijijini. NLUPC inawezesha upangaji wa mipango shirikishi ya matumizi ya ardhi katika vijiji vya programu. Soma zaidi